Hung out at the Acne NY Showroom last night. The clothes, the view and the people were gorgeous!
Playing Catch Up [#printsonprintsonprints]
A brief collection of past ensembles. You will see these items (especially the leopard print shirt) reoccur many times on this blog...
I am constantly unsatisfied with my wardrobe. It sounds awful to say out loud, but, it's true. I blame this on being a gemini. It's the whole split personality thing. Half of me just wants to wear all black and be totally chic, edgy and classy and the other half wants to wear as many prints and layers as physically possible. The later tends to win, thus, I leave my apartment looking crazy and often homeless. The great thing about style though is that it can change everyday if you want, nothing is ever set in stone. Feeling comfy in your clothes can change your attitude towards your day, I think that's pretty cool.
The great thing and terrible thing about living in NY is the amount of awesomeness one sees everyday. People wear things that I would never consider and they look totally RAD. Plus, every single store, brand, whatever can be found here. Learning how to shop smart. That's my goal.
What they don't tell us [I got lucky]
Quick photos from my first few months in NY. Ohhh what a tease.
I feel like I come from a pretty average background Meaning, I finished high school, went to collage, got my degrees and was told the world was mine to concur. Then I moved to NY and realized that might not be so true after all. I was a 4.0, triple major in school, granted, I didn't study anything to do with fashion or journalism, I figured I was well rounded and all me professors said my degrees would get me anywhere. Theatre taught me about talking to people, presenting myself, working on a team. French: opened up a new world and the French are big in Fashion, thought it might be useful. Costume Design: that's the closest I got to fashion. When I showed up here, I was not aware that no one in NY takes you seriously unless you have a NY Internship on your resume. Lucky for me, I moved for an internship. Had I just showed up here thinking, cool, I'm a go get myself a job now, I would have a major bridge to cross. The struggle now the internship is over... get another unpaid internship so I can gain some more industry knowledge and work 5 to 6 days a week so I have barley enough money for rent...
In an industry and age where we bust through school to get a job, it's difficult to allow myself the time I need to 'get my ducks in a row'.
Follow My Life On: Instagram @juliagalexander, Bloglovin',
This city be [cray]
It's been forever since I wrote anything on this. I kind of gave up on the whole blogging thing after I moved to NYC since I lost my photographer and any free time I had. However, 8 months later, I actually kind of miss it and think I might give it another chance.
Basically, I moved from Salt Lake to New York City eight months ago for an Internship at one of the biggest PR firms in NY and Paris. I learned a lot and lost a lot. NYC isn't how it seems in the movies (duh).
This blog used to be about my outfits now it's going to be about figuring out how to live and work in NYC.
I'm on the tightest budget in the world, work 5 days a week and intern 2 days a week, just so I can pay my rent, I used to have goals to check off my list, now I'm lost, and I pretty much live off of carrots with hummus and coffee. Nothing I do is glamourous, but it sure is real. I'm very lucky to be living here and have the opportunities I have. I'm not trying to sound like a train wreck, my life is pretty damn good and easy, I'm sure. I uprooted myself to the most lonely, fast paced, fierce city probably ever (except for maybe the Roman Empire) just like a bunch of us do to achieve a big dream. I'm going to write about figuring out how to live and work in this crazy city (I'm starting from bare bones here) and want to share what I'm learning.
It's going to be me and my iPhone (aided my Instagram and 5 billion other photo apps, of course)...
le week-end [family]
Took the train to visit some of my family upstate this weekend. It always wonderful to get out of the city and see some trees. I took a three hour nap in front of the wood burning stove, baked three loaves of bread, red-velvet cupcakes and ate homemade jam and fresh blueberries. It couldn't have been any better.
Time to get back to the city. Givenchy showed in Paris today, which means tomorrow will be crazy! Good thing I got 11 hours of sleep last night...
I'm Back!
Wow! NYC doesn't leave a whole lot of time for blogging. Or maybe working during fashion week doesn't leave a whole lot of time for blogging...
Anyway, I'm back now. Just me, my iPhone and figuring out how to live in this crazy city! It's been good so far! Saw some people and shows I never dreamed I would! Most of the snaps aren't on my computer yet, but, I will upload them soon! There a a few above though! Straight from the front row.
One thing that proving difficult, shopping! Who would have guessed! I see so many amazing things everyday, I can't figure out what my closet is lacking the most...Oh conundrums.
Follow Me: Bloglovin',, Twitter and Fashiolista
the beginning [part II]
Finally found an apartment in the city! It's pretty fabulous. Hopefully I will have some time to take some snaps. This internship leaves no time for blogging. We received our clients this week. I'm working on Givenchy and Peter Pilotto. I never really knew much about either, so this is definitely a learning experience. I also know nothing about PR so my brain is working overtime right now. I love a good challenge though.
Your looking at photos mainly from #CapsuleNY which was really cool to get to go to! And, see that jacket I'm wearing in the 6th and last photo? Isn't it fabulous? It's #Highland.
Due to my crazy schedule and lack of photographer in this city instagram is all I have time for. Not the best for capturing 'looks'. Triste.
Follow Me: Bloglovin',, Twitter and Fashiolista
Highland [lookbook fw12]
Yesterday I assisted on the FW '12 shoot for Highland. The collection is amazing. Giant mohair coats, reversible shirts and jackets, big sweaters and baseball hats (made in all sorts of fabric). Be sure to check it out because it is basically fantastic.
Follow Me: Bloglovin',, Twitter and Fashiolista
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